Calibration Procedures

All calibration data is confidential. DMA is committed not to share this data, but to use it internally for statistical purposes only.

DMA-OEM Calibration Procedure

Specifically developed for ADTS periodic calibrations including the following features:

  • As found readings (according to the instrument);
  • 1 cycle for the Static line, from 5 to 11 points of measure (according to the instrument) with increasing and decreasing pressure;
  • 1 cycle for the Pitot line, from 5 to 7 points of measure (according to the instrument) with increasing and decreasing pressure;
  • 2 cycles for the AoA line (if available) with 6 points of measure;
  • Calibration covering complete instrument reading scale;
  • Uncertainty calculation not performed.

ISO 17025 Calibration Procedure

Performed in our Accredited LAT106 calibration laboratory (accreditation) according to international EURAMET CG-17 guidelines including the following features:

  • 3 cycles for the Static line, 11 points of measure with increasing and decreasing pressure and uncertainty calculation;
  • 3 cycles for the Pitot line, 11 points of measure with increasing and decreasing pressure and uncertainty calculation;
  • No cycle for AoA line (even if available);
  • Calibration covering measured range between 14 hPa and 3500 hPa;
  • Uncertainty calculation performed;
  • Uncertainty of the reference instrument:
    • 50 ppm + 4,4 Pa (k=2) for a measured range between 14 hPa and 1300 hPa;
    • 75 ppm + 5 Pa (k=2) for a measured range between 1300 hPa and 3500 hPa.

With the ISO 17025 Calibration Procedure you can request the Statement of Conformity of the measurements.

Note: Upon reception of returned units, initial inspection, functional check and basic testing are always performed as standard.

Note: In our accredited calibration laboratory LAT106 only Accredited Calibrations are performed.