D.Marchiori (DMA) Accreditation

Calibration can be carried out according to EN-ISO 17025 standards at the accredited laboratory LAT 106, in conformance to the accreditation table available at this link. Accredited activities are limited to such calibrations. The accreditation certificate can be viewed here.

"Accreditation is the process by which an independent, authoritative body determines against recognised standards the impartiality and competence of an organisation or individual to carry out specific tasks.

When it comes to the accreditation of laboratory services, the international standard ISO/IEC 17025 defines what is required of a laboratory in order for it to demonstrate the technical competence of the personnel. It also indicates the availability of all the technical resources needed to produce accurate and reliable data and results for a defined set of tests, measurements or calibrations......

A laboratory’s fulfilment of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 means, therefore, that the laboratory meets both the technical competence requirements and management system requirements that are necessary for it to consistently deliver technically valid test results and calibrations.....

Accredited certification to ISO 9001 and accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 both provide confidence in the services of a laboratory, but they are not the same. There are crucial differences between the purpose, criteria and emphasis of the ISO 9001 quality management system standards and those of the laboratory standard, ISO/IEC 17025, that is used in accrediting laboratories.

Holding accredited certification to ISO 9001 does not, on its own, represent evidence that a laboratory is able to provide you with accurate and reliable testing or calibration.

For this the laboratory must itself be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 which is more specific in its requirements for technical competence and impartiality while still addressing the quality management system requirements needed to ensure that the laboratory provides consistent and reliable services that will meet your needs."

Extract from ILAC B5:01/2018 Securing testing, measurement or calibration services – The difference between accreditation and certification.


About the difference between accreditation and certification see also the Accredia publication: "La differenza tra accreditamento ISO/IEC 17025 e certificazione ISO9001 per i laboratori di prova e taratura".

For the Pressure Calibration only,  the D.Marchiori  Calibration Center LAT106 has been accredited by ACCREDIA.
ACCREDIA is signatory of EA, IAF, ILAC for Mutual Recognition Agreement.

Accredia Lat No. 106

For the calibration procedure see also Calibration Procedures.