Pressure Converters
Download DMA's Air Data Pressure converter (1.45MB)
This program converts between Altitude, Airspeed, Mach number, Static, Pitot and Dynamic pressures.
It runs under Windows.
Installation instructions
Click on the download link and select ´Run´.
If a security message appears, select ´Run´.
When WinZip runs, browse to a suitable directory to save the files and click ´UnZip´.
Swap to the chosen directory and run the ´Setup.exe´ file.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Using the DMAAir conversion program
Use the up and down arrows against any of the parameters to change their value or click on the value and enter a new value. See the associated parameters change accordingly.
Click on any of the units to cycle through the available units.
The Delta box shows the step change that the arrows will induce for the last parameter selected. To change the Delta value, click on it to select it, key in a new value and press Enter. Delta values are individually stored for each parameter.
The Delta Calc button calculates the change in pressure for a small change in Altitude or Airspeed, at the currently selected Altitude or Airspeed.
The MA>FT or MA>KN button changes which parameter (Altitude or Airspeed) is affected when changing the Mach.