DMA Pitot-Static Adaptor Equipment
Careful study of the individual aircraft mounted probes and sensor ports has led DMA to customise the probe adapters to provide tailored interfaces with the pitot-static probes and static sensing ports on a wide variety of aircraft. Use the link below to view the aircraft adapter list which illustrates some of the wide range of adapters and kits available for aircraft systems.
The video below shows how simple it is to install the DMA static and pitot test adapters on an aircraft.
As manufacturers of Air Data Test Sets we ensure all the necessary interface hoses and fittings are also supplied to mate with the ADTS instruments.
The DMA adapters are so designed that the all important practical operational considerations are satisfied, such as:
- Ease of attachment to the probe or static sensing area.
- Datum mounting features for alignment references to ensure sensor hole positioning.
- Seal material used being appropriate for the working environment.
- Provision for seal replacement features should damage be sustained in service.
With the requirements for overall first class measurement accuracies for the pitot-static systems being called for, to enable RVSM (reduced vertical separation minima) requirements to be achieved, there must be minimal, or zero, leakage attributable to the adapter and aircraft mounted probes interface.
DMA employ commercial “O” ring seal technology that ensures leak proof sealing and gives the ability to replace seals that do become damaged over the long term working life of the components, due to contamination or over temperature when inappropriate seal heating is applied. These commonly used seals should be readily available from local stockists.
Datum alignment is important for multi-port probes to ensure the sense holes match the probe exactly, especially on probes that also include angle of attack (AoA) sense ports. For static port interfacing where aircraft screw fixing facilities are not provided, DMA utilise suction cup adapters where the adaptor is clamped to the aircraft skin. The necessary enabling vacuum supply is provided by the majority of the DMA series of ADTS instruments (MPSXXX) and additionally auxiliary vacuum supply units are available. This then allows the actual sensing port to be free of any potentially damaging inserts used in some adapters for fixing purposes.
The interfacing hoses between the aircraft and the test instruments have been carefully designed to meet the in-service requirements. DMA provide light weight colour coded transparent hoses that are rugged in the working environment yet light weight to prevent excessive loading of the adapters that might damage the probe. Being colour coded this simplifies the installation where multiple hoses are involved and connections can become confusing. The transparency is useful in that any contamination is able to be seen and cleared to ensure no corruption enters the adapter and probe.
DMA are happy to supply individual adapters and have a wide range available to meet the needs of specific aircraft.
Additionally entire Adapter Kits are available that provide all the probes and hoses with appropriate pressure fittings to interface with both DMA MPSxxx test sets and other alternative instrumentation. The adapter kits are supplied in rugged carrying cases that protect the kits over the long life and keep all the numerous parts safe from damage. Additionally DMA supply air data accessory kits that include their compact MPS43 air data test set along with specific probe adapters making a single case solution for relevant aircraft.