RVSM Air Data Test Sets - Pitot-static Test Equipment

The feature rich MPSXX Air Data Test Set range enable rapid calibration of altimeters, airspeed indicators, Mach indicators, vertical speed indicators, Air Data Computers (ADC), testing of Angle of Attack (AoA) system probes and other avionic pitot-static components. Features of our RVSM testers include:
- RVSM compatible
- Digitally controlled
- Controlled from keyboard or computer interface
- Precise pressure sensors used to achieve high accuracy
- 5,000 hour pumps
- Engineered to minimize power consumption
- Optional internal multiple static and pitot isolators and output ports
- Battery power
- Simple user interface
- Programmable user test sequences
- Bluetooth remote control
- USB port for USB memory device to download test programs and store results
- Automatic calibration software (with PAMBX transfer standard)
- Wide range of options
- Rapid warm-up
Twin channel instruments in the range include the ultra compact MPS43B RVSM test equipment that weighs under 4.5Kg while providing full automatic control with RVSM accuracy. As well as our latest civil range ADTS, the MPS45 we also have the MPS34C that provides laboratory accuracy on the flightline. The 3 channel series of instruments control three pressures separately and independently to verify the Angle of Attack (AoA) as well as Static and Pitot pressures, for use with 'Smart' type pitot tubes. Our latest 3 channel instrument is the MPS49 with the MPS39C also being available. The MPS50 is a 4 channel ADTS with 2 channels of AoA, with the MPS40C also being available.
The latest MPS45 and MPS49 aircraft pitot-static test sets offer up to 12 switched output ports, extended calibration interval and other improved specifications and capabilities. The MPS45HF is a high flow variant of the PS45 for aircraft with large pitot-static system volumes.
A wide range of options are available for the Air Data Test Sets with some models pre-configured with certain options:
- 28 VDC operation
- IEEE488 control (RS232 control is standard on most models)
- ARINC429 interface
- Bluetooth control by tablet PC
- Ethernet and Wi Fi interfaces
- Multiple isolated static and pitot outputs controlled from the keypad
- ADWIN software for PC control
- Hand held remote control unit
- Encoding altimeter readout
- Extended ranges of 850 or 1,000 kts
- Internal battery
- External battery to extend battery life
- External pressure and vacuum supply
All the ramp/flight line ADTS are portable and can also be used in the laboratory. ADWIN PC software allows control of the test systems from a standard PC. In all models low power consumption generates negligible heat and allows the highest accuracy available today. Optionally the ADTS can be remotely controlled by a tablet PC with Bluetooth connection (no cables required). The user interface ensures all the functions are easily controlled with a minimum of key strokes. The instruments are all ready for use and within the accuracy band at the conclusion of the initialisation / self test procedure.
All the Air Data Test Sets have battery power either fitted as standard or available as an option. This allows the test sets to be operated away from ac power or to continue to be used during power failure. The compact MPS43B RVSM tester now has battery power offering at least one hour of battery operation.
All models are supplied complete with internal pumps running 'on demand' to achieve maximum life duration and low electrical power consumption. Noise level is very low, a welcome feature when the ADTS is used in the workshop.
30 User test profiles are programmable and executable, each with 26 test points, enabling repetitive tests such as FAR43 testing to easily be performed with high repeatability.
Calibration is accomplished through user adjustment of calibration constants without the requirement for hardware adjustments.
A large range of pitot-static adapters can be supplied both individually and in kit form to complement our range of RVSM test equipment. Visit our pitot-static adapters and air data accessory kits page.
Contact the office to discuss any specific customer requirements such as radio altimeter automatic test.
Laboratory Air Data Test Sets
DMA is a leading manufacturer of Air Data Test Set models for laboratory use achieving the highest accuracy and resolution. The MPS46 is digitally controlled through a keyboard, it uses very high accuracy pressure sensors, with a special characterisation for maximum accuracy (for static channel < 2 feet at sea level). Pressure resolution of 0.2 Pa. is also achievable. The intuitive user interface with touchscreen display ensures that all the functions are controlled with a minimum of key presses . The ADTS can be used in avionics ATE systems (rack height only 2U) for automated pitot-static testing through RS232, USB, Ethernet or GPIB/IEEE488. An internal pump or external rack mounted pump unit can be supplied as an option.